Sunday, March 7, 2010

DeVore Wins Endorsement of California Republican Assembly

Please forward this exciting news onto your friends and family!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- DeVore for California today welcomed the overwhelming, first-ballot endorsement of Chuck DeVore by the California Republican Assembly's 75th annual convention. DeVore's endorsement, by a margin of 194 votes to 89 for distant-second Carly Fiorina, was the first by a statewide Republican organization in the California U.S. Senate race.

The CRA endorsement of Chuck DeVore was the more remarkable for the tremendous effort the Fiorina campaign put into blocking it. With a 2/3 majority required for an endorsement, that campaign needed to secure the support of only a small minority of delegates. To that end: Carly Fiorina herself spent all day Saturday at the convention; delegates found anti-DeVore materials slipped under their hotel room doors; three of Fiorina's endorsing U.S. Senators wrote a letter to the delegates; Fiorina's supporters helped secure a procedural change allowing for a secret ballot; and during voting, delegates were supplied with Carly for California-branded pens.

Carly Fiorina had every advantage money could buy, and the conservative activists of the CRA decisively endorsed Chuck DeVore on the first round.

"I'm sincerely humbled to receive the endorsement of my fellow members of the California Republican Assembly," said Chuck DeVore, "The CRA is, as Ronald Reagan said, 'the conscience of the Republican Party.' That's why I've been a member for 22 years, and that's why I'll keep fighting for the core principles it advances -- all the way to the United States Senate."

Leisa Brug Kline, DeVore for California campaign manager, said, "When Chuck DeVore addressed the CRA yesterday, he said, 'I submit to you that being right beats being rich every time.' With his tremendous first-ballot victory, he's proven right. California's conservatives know who's been with them from the beginning -- and they'll stick with him right through till he beats Barbara Boxer."

The California Republican Assembly is online at

The DeVore for California campaign is online at

You can make a donation to the campaign here:

DeVore for California

paid for by DeVore for California

1 comment:

  1. I hope more Congressional Republicans follow. We need to take McCain and other Republicans to task for endorsing Fiorina.
