"In the Senate race, Fiorina dropped more than $5 million of her own money into ads that took on her chief opponent, former Congressman Tom Campbell. The third-place finisher, Irvine Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, tried to rally support among the primary's most vocal voters, the "tea party" denizens, but his effort was undercut when Fiorina won the endorsement of the movement's icon, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.Unless there is some revelation about Fiorina that makes voting for her too unpalatable I am supporting her. This will likely be the last blog here. I will leave the blog up for a while.
Fiorina's victory set up a rarity in American politics — a November general election battle between two female nominees of the major parties. It and the Whitman-Brown race instantly became among the most watched races nationally with iconic Democratic veterans as key Republican targets.
Speaking to supporters in Anaheim, Fiorina spent most of her remarks criticizing Boxer. "I believe in lower taxes … so that we the people can best decide to spend and invest our hard-earned dollars," she said. "She believes the government can best decide how to spend your income."
Boxer characterized the former Hewlett Packard chief executive as a "heartless" executive who fired tens of thousands of workers and sent American jobs to other countries while grabbing perks for herself.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Carly Fiorina Wins GOP Primary In California
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Rep. Michele Bachmann Talks About Chuck DeVore
She is a great and brave patriot. So nice that she appreciates Chuck DeVore, the best candidate to replace Barbara Boxer in the U.S. Senate. Cross posted at MAinfo.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Hot Air's CK MacLeod Bit By Palin Mania And Endorses Fiorina
"Chuck DeVore is a solid conservative, very well-qualified to be senator or to hold other important offices or positions, but he doesn’t seem to have a prayer of both overtaking Carly Fiorina and defeating Tom Campbell in the June 8 Republican senate primary. He should drop out and, following Sarah Palin’s lead, endorse Fiorina for the good of the conservative movement, the state, and the nation.I am not satisfied that we know enough about Fiorina's tenure at Hewlett Packard. Her pro-life credentials seem tenuous at best. Fiorina has the money to finance her own campaign and keeps dumping her own money into her campaign, that ought to tell us something about her prospects. If DeVore loses the primary I will likely support Fiorina, but now is not the time to concede.
I’m not going to attempt to compare Fiorina to DeVore: That would have been a more worthwhile undertaking if Campbell, supposedly at the behest of gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman, hadn’t switched to the senate race at the beginning of the year. The real comparison should be between any-conservative and Campbell, who, in addition to being just the kind of bland establishment politician that Tea Party conservatives were invented to bring down, has an extremely dubious history of support for radical Islamist and anti-Israeli groups, ideologues, and activists that may give Barbara Boxer an opening she doesn’t deserve, and that in any event many conservatives will find difficult to forgive and forget..."
Cross posted at Blue Collar Philosophy.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Tom Campbell Is Barbara Boxer's Political Twin; Separated At Birth?
"The contest to unseat Boxer has been overshadowed by the bruising Republican race for governor between Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner and former EBay CEO Meg Whitman, who has blanketed the state with ads and donated $59 million of her own money to her bid.And more from the Bay Area:
Campbell, who unlike Fiorina and DeVore supports gay marriage and abortion rights, has led in recent polls, but Fiorina has often been close behind. And although DeVore has developed a following on conservative blogs and among "tea party" groups, he has struggled to catch up with his rivals in polls and fundraising..."
"He also served as a member of Congress for five terms, representing the South Bay. Campbell lived in the city of Campbell when he was first elected to congress. He held the 12th Congressional seat for two terms and then later held the 15th district for three terms, after Norman Mineta resigned.It should be increasingly clear that Conservatives cannot vote for Tom Campbell, he offers no substantive change from our current Liberal Senator, Barbara Boxer.
He then made a failed attempt for U.S. Senate, losing handily to Dianne Feinstein.
Campbell is a moderate Republican. He is conservative on fiscal issues and considered liberal on social issues like gay marriage and abortion..."
Cross posted at Blue Collar Philosophy.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Palin Goes RINO With Fiorina Endorsement; Is There A Planned Parenthood Skeleton In Fiorina's Closet?
"Chalk up another conservative base endorsement for ex-HP CEO Carly Fiorina, and it's a big one: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.This is a decision based on pragmatism not principle. Chuck DeVore is the lone consistent Conservative running in this race. Palin's endorsement is even more troubling given the relationship Hewlett Packard has had with Planned Parenthood.
And the blowback has already started among some of the conservative base -- on Sarah's Facebook page. And now the campaigns are sniping at each other...just in time for the taping of tonight's Senate debate in LA. (It will air at 11 a.m. Sunday on KGO-Channel 7 in SF.)
Palin, the unsuccesful GOP VP candidate, posted her nod on her Facebook page...complete with an unnamed dis to Fiorina rival Tom Campbell as "a liberal member of the GOP who seems to bear almost no difference to Boxer."
Tsk, tsk, Sarah. You broke Reagan's 11th Commandment...about three sentences before praising Fiorina as a Reagan conservative.
Palin, who quit before her first term as gov ended, talks up Fiorina as growing up in a "modest home with a school teacher Dad." Uh, sort of. Fiorina's dad was a law professor who taught at A-list universities -- Yale, Stanford, Duke, Cornell, the London School of Economics -- that Sarah's peeps might sneer at by using the "e-word." Elite. Palin also doesn't mention that Fiorina studied several languages and attended the finest schools as her family traveled around the world.
Also: No mention of the "CEO" moniker or Fiorina's $21 million golden parachute she got from HP or the layoffs that went down while she was there..."
"The Hewlett Foundation has announced $125.1 million in new grants to 214 organizations. First and foremost among the beneficiaries is International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF), for whom Hewlett cut the largest check by far, granting $8.3 million to support worldwide abortion.So how far back has Hewlett Packard been giving money to Planned Parenthood? Back when Carly Fiorina was the company's CEO? It is hard to imagine that Sarah Palin, a mother with a down syndrome child, would support a candidate who previously helping Planned Parenthood abort babies because they had down syndrome.
Of the Menlo Park-based foundation's six program areas, the most money went toward “population” issues, specifically supporting family planning and AIDS prevention worldwide. In all, the foundation's "Population Program" gave $31.8 million to 38 organizations dealing with global population issues. The International Planned Parenthood Federation, based in London, claimed over a quarter of the sum to support its radical agenda..."
HT: Hot Air
Cross posted at Blue Collar Philosophy.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Chuck DeVore Slams Politics As Usual In CA-Video
Chuck DeVore speaks to the CA Assembly on the confirmation of Abel Maldonado. He urges a NO vote.
Hat Tip @HowDoYouKnow.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Barbara Boxer In Big Trouble In California As Obama Stumps For Her
"After a long day of work in Washington and a long transcontinental flight to Los Angeles, President Obama told a crowd of Democratic donors in Los Angeles Monday night that he was "fired up!"Support Chuck DeVore in his bid to bounce Boxer out of the Senate.
Turns out so were some of the crowd members.
The president's 29-minute speech was interrupted several times by gay protesters impatient with the lack of progress in repealing the military's "Don't Ask-Don't Tell" policy regarding gays.
Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have both often urged patience on gay-lesbian and transgender advocates, promising to repeal the policy in time. But tonight the protesters would have no more talk of patience, rejecting the president's repeated promise that he would repeal the policy and at one point breaking out into the trademark Obama chant of "Yes We Can!"
As The Ticket reported here earlier Monday, Obama flew across the country for no public events but just two fundraisers for the embattled liberal Democrat Sen. Barbara Boxer seeking a four Senate term where tickets ranged up to sip wine and $17,600 to hear the president..."
Cross posted at Blue Collar Philosophy.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Chuck DeVore's Irvine Tea Party Speech Proves He Ready To Defeat Senator Boxer
Part One:
Part Two:
Complete coverage at Blue Collar Philosophy.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Chuck DeVore Is No RINO; Long History Of Being A Conservative
When DeVore was a child, his mother was a GOP activist who campaigned for Barry Goldwater in the 1964 presidential campaign. She raised him to be patriotic, quipping, "I dressed him in red, white and blue probably too often when he was a little kid."
DeVore's tilt to the right was evident by his college days. President of the College Republican Club at California State University, Fullerton, DeVore remembers giving a speech at 19 about how the solidarity trade union movement in Poland was likely to spur the Soviet Union's downfall.
Assemblyman Anthony Adams, R-Hesperia, characterized DeVore as well-respected by colleagues, erudite, principled – but no backslapper.
"He's the kind of guy that you'd want to have a policy discussion with, but he's probably not the kind of guy that you're going to invite out for a beer," Adams said.
DeVore tends to be loved or hated: He got sky-high marks on legislative report cards of the California Chamber of Commerce, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and California Republican Assembly, but he received flunking grades from Environment California and Equality California, representing gay and lesbian issues.
DeVore sees himself as somewhat of a "conservative with a bit of a libertarian tint."
"I didn't come up here to be everybody's pal and try to get along with folks at all costs," he said. "I came up here to try to live out a set of principles.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Breaking: Chuck DeVore To Defeat Senator Boxer In California; Obama To Campaign For Boxer
"President Obama will travel to California to stump for Sen. Barbara Boxer in April, her campaign announced on Wednesday.Based on Obama's losing track record maybe we can count on California having one Republican Senator after the 2010 election.
Obama will attend a joint fundraiser in Los Angeles for Boxer's re-election campaign and the DNC. Details are still being arranged.
Polls show the California Democrat with a single-digit lead over each of her three potential Republican challengers, State Sen. Chuck DeVore, former HP CEO Carly Fiorina and former Rep. Tom Campbell"
Cross posted at Blue Collar Philosophy.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
LA Times Realizes Tom Campbell Is In Trouble Over Muslim Connection
"Terrorism and the Middle East are continuing to roil the Republican Senate contest after a letter written by former congressman Tom Campbell emerged that appeared to contradict statements Campbell and his aides had made about his dealings with a radical Muslim professor.Chuck DeVore understands the threat of Muslims radicals. Devore has taken the wise step in calling for UC Irvine to stop recognizing a radical Muslim group on campus.
The professor, Sami Al-Arian, contributed to Campbell's unsuccessful campaign in 2000 for the U.S. Senate. On Sept. 26, 2001, when he was teaching at the University of South Florida, Al-Arian gave an interview to Fox TV host Bill O'Reilly in which he conceded that he had said, "Jihad is our path. Victory to Islam. Death to Israel. Revolution. Revolution until victory. Rolling to Jerusalem."
Those statements quickly generated a furor and the university moved to discipline Al-Arian. Campbell, by then a law professor at Stanford University, wrote a letter to Judy Genshaft, the president of the University of South Florida, protesting any punishment.
Campbell had previously conceded that he wrote a letter on Al-Arian's behalf, but had said during a candidates' debate Friday that he did so before Al-Arian's interview with O'Reilly. His campaign's website also said the letter was written before the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001..."
Monday, March 8, 2010
4 Items From DeVore Campaign
We wanted to be sure you saw the following four items about our campaign. Things are really picking up | |
1) Chuck DeVore wins CRA Endorsement DeVore for California today welcomed the overwhelming, first-ballot endorsement of Chuck DeVore by the California Republican Assembly's 75th annual convention. DeVore's endorsement, by a margin of 194 votes to 89 f or distant-second... read more | 2) "DeVore wins first debate" Numerous pundits agree that Chuck DeVore came across as the most credible candidate during the first debate between the three major candidates. Go to our home page to listen to clips from this exciting debate. read more |
3) "I know a little bit about Carly Fiorina" Relatives of the founders of Hewlett-Packard have thrown their support behind Chuck DeVore. Now, in an open letter to Senators in Washington, D.C., Arianna Packard expresses her thoughts on the matter. read more | 4) Will you forward this email onto your friends and family? |
Sunday, March 7, 2010
DeVore Wins Endorsement of California Republican Assembly
Please forward this exciting news onto your friends and family!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- DeVore for California today welcomed the overwhelming, first-ballot endorsement of Chuck DeVore by the California Republican Assembly's 75th annual convention. DeVore's endorsement, by a margin of 194 votes to 89 for distant-second Carly Fiorina, was the first by a statewide Republican organization in the California U.S. Senate race.
The CRA endorsement of Chuck DeVore was the more remarkable for the tremendous effort the Fiorina campaign put into blocking it. With a 2/3 majority required for an endorsement, that campaign needed to secure the support of only a small minority of delegates. To that end: Carly Fiorina herself spent all day Saturday at the convention; delegates found anti-DeVore materials slipped under their hotel room doors; three of Fiorina's endorsing U.S. Senators wrote a letter to the delegates; Fiorina's supporters helped secure a procedural change allowing for a secret ballot; and during voting, delegates were supplied with Carly for California-branded pens.
Carly Fiorina had every advantage money could buy, and the conservative activists of the CRA decisively endorsed Chuck DeVore on the first round.
"I'm sincerely humbled to receive the endorsement of my fellow members of the California Republican Assembly," said Chuck DeVore, "The CRA is, as Ronald Reagan said, 'the conscience of the Republican Party.' That's why I've been a member for 22 years, and that's why I'll keep fighting for the core principles it advances -- all the way to the United States Senate."
Leisa Brug Kline, DeVore for California campaign manager, said, "When Chuck DeVore addressed the CRA yesterday, he said, 'I submit to you that being right beats being rich every time.' With his tremendous first-ballot victory, he's proven right. California's conservatives know who's been with them from the beginning -- and they'll stick with him right through till he beats Barbara Boxer."
The California Republican Assembly is online at CaliforniaRepublicanAssembly.com.
The DeVore for California campaign is online at ChuckDeVore.com
You can make a donation to the campaign here: https://chuckdevore.com/n/donate/
DeVore for California
paid for by DeVore for California
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Judge a Man by the Company that he Keeps: Tom Campbell and Jihadist Sympathizer Sami Al-Arian
A simple idiom - that a man may be judged by the company that he keeps. For a politician it may be that a man is judged by the contributions that he keeps. In the case of Tom Campbell, former California congressman and GOP nod hopeful for the Senate nod, it is a case of special donations from a jihadist sympathizing former college professor Sami Al-Arian. And yes, Tom Campbell may by judged by that contribution (and company) that he kept. Tom Campbell claims that he made a mistake with accepting a jihadist sympathizer's donation but claims that it was all for a noble cause - bettering American relations with the Muslim world. Afer that, he then claimed to a different source that he didn't even receive a donation from Sami Al-Arian. Which one is it, Mr. Campbell?
Can you see through the lies? Does not this story speak volumes to the character, intent and discretion of Tom Campbell? To the proper discernment needed in today's brave new world? This story speaks volumes for the need a true conservative candidate with the moral fiber and common sense to do the right thing - even when no one is watching.
Please take a look at Chuck DeVore for the United States Senate. A man of principle. A man that knows his Constitution. A man much needed at this time in America and for the people of California.
Via Memeorandum
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Boxer Has Got To Go; She Supports Reconciliation On ObamaCare
"The signers to Michael Bennet’s letter to pass the public option through reconciliation have continued to roll in. Before I get to that, I want to respond to a couple comments in the last thread on this about why I’m monitoring this action.Time to send Boxer home packing and elect Chuck DeVore to replace her.
There are two questions being asked – one about whether Senators would be willing to use reconciliation to pass the health care bill, and one about whether they would sign on to the Bennet letter. These questions should be viewed separately. The reconciliation question essentially asks whether these Senators want to pass health care at all, because a reconciliation sidecar is really the only way to get the bill done. The public option question gauges what kind of support there is within reconciliation for something beyond the set of compromises that were determined before Scott Brown won in Massachusetts.
First off, if you’re following the health care debate, this is one of the two remaining hurdles to get to a bill. The other is abortion funding and the Stupak amendment, which could prove an eventual brick wall, as I’ve been saying for weeks and weeks. But it’s worthwhile to know if reconciliation has majority support in the Senate, in addition to the public option. Whether these events actually occur or not, knowing a clear whip count demystifies the process. It puts legislators on the record. It forces accountability. And that’s never a bad thing. Harry Reid cannot say “we don’t have the votes” if you can wave a piece of paper in front of his face and announce “yes you do.”
So where are we at with this project? Last night, Dianne Feinstein signed on to the Bennet letter. along with Jack Reed. Amy Klobuchar and Ben Cardin endorsed using the reconciliation, but were more noncommital on the public option. I can confirm this morning that Tom Udall of New Mexico, who yesterday agreed to reconciliation as a means to finish the bill, is now a yes on the Bennet letter. And Barbara Boxer signed on as well..."
Monday, February 15, 2010
DeVore Within Striking Distance Of Boxer; UPDATE: Obama Is Toxic To California Democrats
"Boxer leads still state Assemblyman Chuck Devore, 47% to 42%. Six percent (6%) prefer some other candidate in that match-up, and five percent (5%) are undecided. In January, Boxer held a 46% to 40% advantage over Devore. In November, she led Devore by 10 points.DeVore is the right candidate to ride the wave of outrage against Democratic Party spending and power grabbing.
The fact that Boxer’s support has been stuck in the mid-40s for several surveys no matter which Republican she is matched against continues to suggest that the race for now is about her rather than about those who are running against her."
It must be getting bad when even Liberal Democrats in California are distancing themselves from President Obama. From the Los Angeles Times:
"Reporting from Washington - As President Obama's approval ratings sag and the mood of voters sours, some Democratic congressional candidates are distancing themselves from the White House, with the back-channel blessing of party officials.Do not be fooled by this or think that the Democrats here in California do not support Obama's agenda. This is purely to try and save their political careers.
The candidates are positioning themselves as independent voices no less frustrated with the Obama administration than people back home.."
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Daily Kos Mocks Carly Fiorina
"Failed CEO Carly Fiorina is the gift that keeps on giving. The gift is a steady dose of epic fail.Maybe if Fiorina bothered to vote on a regular basis then she would be more aware of the facts.
Fresh off of Demon Sheep--a political advertising fail that spawned hordes of parodies and even became a trending topic on Twitter--Carly has now demonstrated that her ignorance of online media is matched only by her ignorance of federal law.
California is in very difficult fiscal straits right now, but one thing that's off the table is declaring bankruptcy. Why? Quite simply, because federal law prevents states from declaring bankruptcy. Apparently, this was news to the person who aspires to be a Senator from the State..."
Monday, February 8, 2010
Chuck DeVore on Glenn Beck
Readers - This is my introductory post here at California Bloggers for DeVore, and I am pleased to have the opportunity to do so. I blog on (mostly) national politics and hail from San Diego, visit the Left Coast Rebel to see my daily take on things.
Go Chuck DeVore! Go Chuck Devore! Go Chuck DeVore! The time is right for the state of California to shed it's nanny state, nanny-ninnies and Chuck DeVore is just the man to unseat Barbara Boxer. Chuck DeVore knows the issues, has a great voice for limited government clarity and is the Tea Party favorite. If you are not familiar with Chuck DeVore, Glenn Beck gives us a good introduction today, Monday, February 8 2010. A highlight fron the show: Glenn Beck to Chuck DeVore: "You Intrigue Me Because I am Looking for People that Understand the Constitution."
Chuck DeVore on the purpose of government:
Visit Chuck DeVore's campaign site here.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
George Will Says Chuck DeVore Is Going To Be The GOP Nominee
I hope Senator Boxer suffers the same fate as Martha Coakley.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Chuck DeVore Is A Blue Collar Republican That Can Defeat Senator Boxer
"But serious questions remain about whether DeVore, 45, can survive the GOP primary. He has the fiscal and social credentials desired by the conservative party voters most likely to turn out in June. But, despite campaigning for more than a year, his candidacy is something of an apparition. Outside of party circles and his home base of Orange County voters generally have no idea who he is, and he ended 2009 with a net $140,000 in the bank.DeVore is even willing to get his hands dirty to get jobs done around his home. DeVore constantly updates his facebook page and we often learn that he is fixing things. One such example is DeVore having to deal with a dying washing machine.
In a state as big as California, recognition does not come cheap. Primary opponent Carly Fiorina, a multimillionaire, has already lent her campaign $2.5 million, while former U.S. Rep. Tom Campbell, who jumped into the race last month, is much better known to voters because he has been in the public eye for two decades.
DeVore is counting on hard work and persistence to make up for money and name identification. Since announcing his candidacy in November 2008 he has logged more than 50,000 miles by car and air to meet with nearly 40,000 Republican voters at 239 stops up and down the state. (The candidate, an admitted wonk, logs every visit, mile and voter on a spreadsheet when he gets home to Irvine).
"Whatever the polls say four months before the primary, the strength of the volunteers backing us, the lack of any skeletal remains in my closet are going to allow me to prevail in this primary and to ultimately vanquish Barbara Boxer," DeVore said at the January meeting of the West Valley Republican Women Federated at a diner in San Jose.
He tells voters that politicians in both parties have forgotten their duty, which he believes should be limited to securing citizens' rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- "not making up new rights."
"They make it up as they go along because they don't have a core philosophy that guides their decisions," DeVore said. "I have a core. It's the Constitution, it's the preamble of the Declaration of Independence. I don't vary from that..."

Can you imagine Senator Boxer doing this? She would be too concerned that the washing machine delivery people call her "Senator". Time to retire "Senator Boxer".
Friday, February 5, 2010
Meet Chuck DeVore in Mission Viejo, CA, Feb 14
I hope you can come and support Chuck DeVore in his senate run to unseat Barbara Boxer. When you hear him in person I know that you will see why Tea Party Patriots support him, as well as Tom McClintock.
Bloggers, please post this invitation to your blogs.
Tweeple, please retweet. Thanks in advance.
And thanks to LL and George A. for putting together this invitation.
Cross posted from MAinfo blog.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Carly Fiorina Goes After Tom Campbell; Knows Not To Mess With Chuck DeVore
This ad has already brought a response from Adolf Hitler:
HT: Ed Driscoll
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Chuck DeVore Can "Scott Brown" Senator Barbara Boxer
"The Republican victory in Massachusetts has sent a wave of fear through the halls of the Senate, with moderate and liberal Democrats second-guessing their party’s agenda — and worrying that they’ll be the next victims of voters’ anger.I am supporting Chuck DeVore in his bid to unseat Senator Boxer and it has nothing to do with the fact that Boxer is a woman. It is Boxer's Liberalism and arrogance that I cannot stand.
“If there’s anybody in this building that doesn’t tell you they’re more worried about elections today, you absolutely should slap them,” said Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.).
Republican Scott Brown rode a wave of voter discontent to defeat Democrat Martha Coakley in the race for Ted Kennedy’s old Senate seat. Republicans moved quickly to capitalize Wednesday, with National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn (R-Texas) telling POLITICO that he’s approaching possible candidates who passed up his initial entreaties to join the 2010 field.
“People, I think, are going to sense opportunities that they didn’t sense” Tuesday, Cornyn said.
Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) called the Massachusetts race a “wake-up call” for his party and said his colleagues were in a “reflective” mood at a private lunch Wednesday.
Several Democratic incumbents said later that none of the 19 Democratic seats up this year are safe — and that fundamental parts of the agenda need to be re-examined to win over voters back home.
“Every state is now in play,” said Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), who faces the toughest reelection battle of her career — most likely against wealthy Republican Carly Fiorina..."
Here are some video highlights of Senator Boxer:
She injects race into the discussion:
Comparing pregnancy to a sexual dysfunction:
Being more concerned about hacked global warming emails than what they expose:
Lies about how many jobs have been created by supporting President Obama's policies:
Enough already my fellow Californians, let us get rid of this intellectually infantile Senator once and for all by replacing her with Chuck DeVore.
Cross posted at Blue Collar Philosophy.